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Thursday, June 23, 2011

School's Out for Summer!

      Today, dear Mary graduated from preschool. At least, I think that she did. There were so many camera-happy parents in front of me that I couldn't see a thing. While I get the impulse to take photos, Mary was the last kid on the stage - did all of those people really want a picture of someone else's kid? Maybe. Personally, I lost interest in other people's children when I had my own, but hey, whatever works for you.
      Tiny Mary was in the last seat of the last row of children today. Not the best idea, since she is not a great waiter in general. By the time her name was called, she had removed her robe, thrown a few small hissy fits, and fallen asleep. I imagine that she staggered across the stage, protesting all the way. Again, I have to imagine, as I couldn't see a thing.

     Nobody wants her kid to be last, and I tend to be pretty relaxed about this kind of thing. I'm usually content for Mary to participate however she can, but this time, I was furious. These people know Mary, and know that she gets tired and cranky after sitting around for too long. As do I, by the way. We had to be at her school an hour before the graduation, and sit there waiting for things to get going, so maybe I wasn't in the best frame of mind. The ceremony itself was a little over half an hour, a long time for a four year old to sit still.

      This is a school that celebrates and embraces differences, but they didn't think to make a simple accommodation for Mary. Frankly, if they had put the kids who typically have ants in their pants first, the whole ceremony would have gone more smoothly. As it became apparent that she would be last, and as I watched her gradually losing her cool, I started tearing up. This is, embarrassingly, what I do when I'm really angry. It is so stereotypically female, and one of my worst qualities. Fortunately, today I could pass off my tears as those of a proud momma, which I am.

Fortunately, they took graduation photos last week, when she was in a better mood. Prettiest girl ever!

And no, I have no idea why the first paragraph is double spaced.


  1. They blew it and they knew it! I'm sorry :( But she rocks the hell outta that grad photo :)

  2. Mary was just being honest. Everyone wants to fall asleep at graduation ceremonies.
